Receive and Share
the Light of Christ
Saturday, 6 p.m. • Sunday, 8:15 and 11 a.m.
Sept.-May: Christian Education for all ages, 9:45 a.m.
Learn & Share
…teach and learn God's Word that we may continue to grow in our love for God and our neighbor as we navigate the challenges of life.
Worship & Witness
…come together to share the word of God, express love for one another, and encourage good works of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gather & Serve
…reach out and serve others in our community and the world by sharing our faith and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Our Mission
We are a community of disciples called and empowered by the the Holy Spirit to receive and share the light of Christ, through Liturgy, Fellowship, Education, Witness, and Service.
Education for All Ages
Sunday school is available for all ages every Sunday 9:45-10:45 a.m. Children ages 3 through grade 8 meet on the second floor of the Christian Education wing. The location of other classes are noted.
News & Events
Pancake Supper
3.4.25 6 p.m.
Kick off the Lenten Season with our annual Pancake Supper for Mardi Gras in the Social Room. Please bring a breakfast item that can be donated to the Elizabethtown Community Cupboard. Sign up in the Narthex if you plan to attend. This event is sponsored by Thrivent. -
Blood Drive
3.10.25 12-5 p.m.
Schedule your appt for our Red Cross by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit and enter: Elizabethtown to schedule an appointment.Streamline your donation experience by visiting .
Special Meeting
3.16.25 9:45-10:45 a.m.
A special meeting of the congregation has been called in order to vote on renovations of the nave and sanctuary. Vote will be by paper ballot. Voting can only be done by confirmed members that have communed or made a donation of record in this or the last calendar year.